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Carmen The Love Spells Queen Witch
















Crystal Power

Crystal Power - crystals are often used in love spells.

The elements silicon and oxygen constitute some 75% of the Earth's outer shell and some 13% of this amount exists in the form of silicon dioxide, more commonly known as quartz. This substance is thus the crystalline mineral occurring in the greatest quantity on this planet.

As a mineral deposit, quartz is, literally, everywhere; where it cannot be directly seen it is often present in a clandestine manner. Granite, for example, contains a high proportion of quartz so that all granitic rocks, monuments and standing stones can be included as sources.

As a physical medium, quartz possesses perhaps the strongest known harmonic affinity with human consciousness. Its exterior (planar) form is a visible duplicate of its internal, molecular structure. In a quaint but pertinent parody of the old occult maxim, 'as above, so below,' here is a case of 'as within, so without,' just as the human physical form is a visible manifestation of spirit.

We can also see scientific evidence of this inner/outer harmony, for example through the piezo-electric effect demonstrated by quartz. This substance will emit an electrical 'pressure' or charge if subjected to mechanical pressure; conversely, if subjected to electrical pressure, quartz will 'vibrate' or 'resonate' at a particular, steady frequency.

It is this property that has made it such an indispensable part of radio technology, particularly for maintaining the frequency stability of transmitters ('crystal controlled'). It was also used in the early crystal sets and during the pioneering days of the first semi-conductors. However, while the use of the mineral in these applications can be considered a relatively recent innovation, the use of crystals, especially quartz, to achieve altered states of consciousness is anything but new.

In ancient Egypt, granite - containing as already stated a high proportion of quartz - was utilised almost exclusively for the fashioning of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid although limestone was largely used for the remainder of the building. In the Bible we are told that Jacob slept with his head on a 'bethel' or sacred stone. Japanese emperors at one time had a 'kamudoko' or dreaming stone for obtaining visions. The South American Medicine Indians and the Australian Aborigines both believed crystals to be sacred stones which were inhabited by spirits.
If we are looking for scientific confirmation, quartz-yielding granite has been confirmed, notably in the last two decades, as a source of both higher than normal radiation and magnetic anomalies. Yet we have to travel some 70 years to find the first real crystal 'enigma' of this century.

In the early 1920's in British Honduras a craved crystal skull (known as the Mitchell-Hedges skull, after its discoverer) was discovered beneath a Mayan altar. A crystallographer from the American based Hewlett-Packard corporation after examining this artifact declared it to be the product of a civilisation with a 'crystallographic ability equivalent to ours today,' despite the fact that the skull has been dated as anywhere between 20,000 and 500,000 years old.

This corporation representative continued in true, perplexed American style, 'the damned thing shouldn't even be!' Interestingly, psychics and sensitives fortunate enough to examine the skull claim that it is a kind of 'crystal memory-bank' containing vast amounts of information, mostly now forgotten ancient knowledge awaiting the correct moment in time to be interpreted and thus 'rediscovered.'

In the 1960s, an article in the Soviet Academy of Sciences journal proposed the theory that the Earth itself was a giant crystal with a structural network of crystalline minerals, mainly quartz, which functioned like a giant conductor of cosmic energy. It was further claimed that the vestiges of this network could still be seen as 12 pentagonal 'slabs' covering the Earth surface, with the periphery of this geometric framework providing focus points for the earthquakes, fault lines, volcanoes and the sites of ancient civilisations.

The proposition that quartz crystals are a micro-cosmic' version of the Earth, echoing its unique structure and balance is taken a poetic stage further by author Guy Murchie. In his book The Seven Mysteries of Life he states, 'The science of harmony in music is ... practically identical with the science of symmetry in crystals. Indeed, the crystal can now literally be seen to be the Philosopher's Stone, frozen music.'

Is there an anomalous form of energy radiating from quartz crystals? Mention has already been made of recent research which has confirmed both magnetic and radiation anomalies, chiefly from granitic standing stones.

In the 1840s the German scientist, Karl Von Reichenbach discovered that many psychics could locate crystals in a totally darkened environment by means of a mysterious emanation of 'subtle light' coming from the minerals.


Contrary to what our everyday senses tell us, quartz is not composed of hard, compacted matter but consists of 'organised holes,' a framework of spatial harmony, uniquely structured. In advanced psychic as well as new science applications (and let's face it, these days the two are not far apart and grow closer daily) quartz is considered a 'broad-band' or wide-frequency mineral. It is therefore capable of responding in various ways over an enormous band-width whereas other minerals such as emeralds and diamond have more narrowly defined, hence more limited and specialised characteristic and applications.

We should remember that colour is a specific. Clear quartz is by definition colourless, receptive and open to response and programming. It is because of this wide spectral range that quartz crystal make such valuable spiritual and healing tools. To use an analogy - one might say that quartz is an open window whereas other minerals are narrow keyholes.

Quartz crystal can thus be a remarkable tool for amplifying human consciousness. In fact, in the proximity of quartz, the third eye, pineal gland and associated crown chakras are simulated to higher levels of functioning. However, one must remember that although crystals accelerate the growth of consciousness, they are not essential for it.

Choosing A Crystal For Personal Use.

In the context of the above, how should one select a crystal with which to experiment? The prime considerations in any experimentation should be mental and physical welfare so it is worthwhile spending a few moments isolating what, if any, undersized side-effects can result from the use of crystals.

As already stated, quartz has a profound effect upon the third eye, pineal gland and crown chakras. Those wishing to use quartz crystals on a long term basis for spiritual development had better be aware at an early stage that close proximity to large crystals or crystal clusters can result in quite intense headaches, often as intense as migraine. It is therefore wise to use discretion in the permanent siting of large crystals around the house. Don't for example, permanently place large crystals or multi-crystal clusters near to sleeping areas.

As may be imagined, choosing a crystal is, so far, still largely an intuitive process and should be done with the sole aim of matching one's vibratory pattern or frequency with that of a suitable crystal. There are the lucky ones who instantly feel or intuit that a particular piece of quartz 'has their name on it' but, for the rest of us, the procedure is rather a hit and miss affair.
So it may be a wise move to have a suitable crystal selected by someone else, perhaps a healer, more versed in such matters. If you are completely in the dark, there are now many very reasonable guides on this subject available at bookshops or even a few public libraries.

Assuming that you have chosen and bought your crystal and arrived home with it, what next? The first thing to do is to cleanse the crystal. As mentioned, quartz crystals are open receivers of energy and can not only pick up negative thoughts and energies but can store them quite efficiently too. Your first priority therefore is to ensure that you begin your relationship with your crystal on the best possible terms!

It is a cause for concern that many people purchase and immediately wear crystals, blissfully unaware that the mineral in question has been mined, transported, shipped, packed, distributed, resold, not to mention probably having been handled by countless potential buyers in varying states of mental and physical health before ending up in their hands!

To cleanse your crystal thoroughly, simply place it in a super-saturated solution of salt, preferably sea-salt but the kitchen variety will do. Leave it in this solution for a minimum of 12 hours, preferably 24. To ensure that the crystal is thoroughly cleansed in a psychic as well as physical sense, you should then, ideally, bury the mineral beneath the soil in your garden to remove any excess or negative energies and to re-acquaint the crystal with its source - Mother Earth. Three days is recommended for this process.

The salt cleansing should be repeated every week or so if you wear your particular crystal or carry it regularly. Crystals in less direct contact with your auric field generally require less cleaning, perhaps every two months, while those used for healing purposes require more.

It is possible to intuit when your crystal needs cleaning. Some people find that a certain 'stickiness' becomes evident; this, by the way, is unconnected with sweat from the skin or personal handling - a curious phenomenon which sounds bizarre until experienced.

It is worth remembering that crystals absorb the ambient psychic atmosphere of their location. If, for example, a major emotional upheaval, trauma or physical/mental upset takes place in close proximity to a crystal, it will require immediate cleansing. There are other methods of cleansing your crystal, including placing it in the centre of a large crystal (preferably amethyst) cluster but the saline solution method is probably the most effective.

Programming Your Crystal.

Once the crystal is clean, physically and psychically, it can be programmed. When we programme a crystal we use the quartz structure as an extension of our own consciousness. Unlike the single-purpose use of quartz in orthodox technology, crystals used for personal programming can exhibit a multidimensional, holographic capacity.

It may be helpful to think of the crystal as a higher dimensional portal or doorway through which it is possible to gain access to the universal mind. Usually, as ordinary mortals, the closest we can get to this point is through intermittent glimpses obtained in dreams or highly meditative states. Programming of and regular attunement with a crystal can put us in touch with this realm on a regular basis.

Looked at from a practical viewpoint, programming involves formulating a desired goal as intensely and coherently as possible. Once strongly created and retained, this thoughtform is then projected mentally into the crystal in a powerful, yet controlled manner. Some authorities recommend yogic or breathing techniques synchronised with the projection of the crystal user's intent.

Don't be put off if you fail on the first attempt, the crystal will receive the imprint of your formulated desire and subtly alter or modulate its own coherent pattern. A mental picture is consciously or unconsciously the precursor to every action so, by programming the crystal, we are essentially programming ourselves through the law of cause and effect.

What is fascinating about this whole process is that whereas man-made recorders such as computers, digital machines, etc. can only record and store a finite amount of information, technically there is no limit to the data that can be stored in a crystal.

For instance, here is a relatively simple experiment that involves 'unconscious' programming. Place a crystal under your pillow at night (cleansed please or you may induce nightmares) and you will find the crystal will effectively record dream experiences which can then be replayed the next morning by holding the crystal in one or both hands and relaxing body and mind. The dreams will 'trickle' back into the recipient's waking consciousness rather in the way that condensing droplets from the stream of a kettle turn into water.

Using Crystals.

A mind that becomes attuned to the crystal matrix firstly becomes more stable and less butterfly-like; concentration and attention-span improve. Quartz can act as a catalyst in accelerating spiritual growth so one becomes physically, mentally and spiritually aligned to one's true, karmic purpose this incarnation around. The more quickly an individual harmonises him/herself with his intended spiritual direction, the more rapidly karmic debts and obligations arising from this and previous lives are balanced.

Those of us of a more materialistic philosophy can still benefit from the use of crystals. However, if the programmed desires and wishes are purely for self-gratification, we may find ourselves in the unenviable position of moving away from our true purpose and intent in this lifetime.

Since perfect health is unattainable in a true sense until one is fully balanced and harmonised spiritually, one of the greatest applications of crystals lies in the area of healing. As this is such a large and necessarily involved subject, the student is recommended to read any of the growing number of comprehensive books now available.

Crystal science and allied technology will certainly be used more in the future. We are already witnessing orthodox science standing on the threshold of change. Matter is no longer regarded simply as a tangible substance to be examined and investigated; scientists are slowly finding themselves involved in concepts more at home with the occultist and metaphysician than the biologist and physicist.

Certainly, conversational science is destined to make tremendous advances in the future but these are likely to come about as a result of a blending of standard technologies with what might be called spiritual ones. Some of these spiritual tools are with us now and it is a sobering thought that it will be the rediscovery of long-forgotten abilities which will shape our future.


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