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Dream Power

Dreams are a source of intense spiritual mystery; they can be used for self-discovery, future predictions, healing, creative insight, forecasting the winning numbers of all forms of gambling, and the attraction of love.

To a few people the ability to enter their dreams and control them at will is a natural skill. And once these dreamers have entered that state, all other magic can follow with ease. Sadly, most people find that without specific techniques, their dreams are hazy and unmemorable, far beyond control. Thankfully, there is a way out of this situation.

Research has led to the discovery of a technique that unlocks the mind within its dreams, helping the dreamer to learn about the functioning of dream control and lucid dreams (where the clarity and reality is brighter than waking). Once practised, this technique enables the dreamer to enter this state at will, letting it become a natural part of his/her life.

Like all magical workings, the technique should be adapted to the individual’s needs, preferences and intuitions. However, this technique is highly specialised and should not be deviated from unless the dreamer is certain that any change will make a positive difference. Try to follow the instructions accurately.

When working with dreams, best advice is to heighten your dream awareness. Even though the mind-key technique alone can power a waking dream on the very first night of trying, you should still prepare the way. Start to think about your dreams, how they feel, the colours and emotions, scenes that have held your attention. Let the images run, try to enter the feelings.

Now imagine the sort of dreams you would like to experience: dreams of flying, love and beautiful places. Dreams that will evolve your spirituality and personal understanding; dreams where you surround yourself with healing light; dreams where you open a door to find a visual answer to a complex and troubling question. These ideas will excite and motivate you to dream, so will bring the realms of sleep and conscious thought closer together.

It is the blending of conscious thought and the dream pattern that bring about a conscious (or lucid) dream. Some people may fear that interfering with natural sleep patterns is in some way dangerous or could involve risks to mental health. This is definitely not the case.

dream world


Recent scientific research has shown that contrary to a long-held belief, dreaming sleep is not necessary; subject deprived of dreaming sleep survive quite normally. People who were deprived of non-dreaming sleep (when reality perception and memory is organised), could not cope. So although some sleep is essential, dreams simply appear to be a remnant from our pre-birth growth.

Sleep is dangerous, in terms of being eaten by a predator, and you would expect that evolution would tune out all but the most vital sleep. Yet we spend many hours a week in a seemingly unnecessary state. Of course the pay back could be that of dreams, whatever their original purpose, make us spiritually aware, imaginative and creative; in this way, a dreamer is more likely to survive than a non-dreamer.

So although dreams may have no intended ‘purpose,’ are almost accidental, they could be the source of modern humanity and spiritual growth. This also means that the dream time is a state that we are free to manipulate at will, without any risk.

The technique for unlocking the conscious mind within sleep is quite simple but should be followed closely. Presuming that you sleep for approximately eight hours, from say 11.00 pm to 7.00 am, set your alarm to wake you up at 4.30 am. Before sleep, acknowledge to yourself that you will be woken at that time to begin a dream experiment. When the alarm goes off, you may well remember a vivid dream. Take note of it, write it down if you like, but don’t dwell on it. The important point is that you wake up fully.

It is easy to wake up in the night, go to the toilet or get a drink, then climb back into bed without ever waking up fully. You may often do this and forget about it in the morning. When performing the dream experiment don’t allow yourself to remain half-asleep; wake up fully, as though you were beginning the day. Stay fully awake for at least 15 minutes. If it is light outside, get dressed and go for a brief walk. Wash your face in cool water. Wake yourself up gently but firmly. Don’t watch television or engage in any mundane, repetitive activity; this can be a hypnotic relaxant that keeps you asleep. Let your conscious become fully engaged, as in normal life.

The key is to become fully self-aware. Upon awakening, it is easy to drift into a semiconscious state where reality and thought are merged. Often in normal life we use our routines to make the transition; it can take over an hour to become fully awake and aware of ourselves. To achieve this state at speed, you should have the definite goal in mind. Although you are not trying to shock yourself into wakefulness, you should be keen to reach an aware state. Concentrate on your understanding of yourself.

At the same time, make sure that you take in your surroundings and the feel of your life and situation. If possible, though avoid worrying about the day ahead. (At a later stage, you can think about problems to receive dream answers; for now, keep the state pure.)

When fully awake, you may think that you don’t need to go back to sleep but this is not the case, If you tried to stay awake much longer, you would become tired. So, once fully awake go to bed and quietly relax. Let yourself go to sleep without a cluttering of thoughts; remain calm in your mind but be aware of any visual images that come to mind and gently consider your dreams as you drift off to sleep.

Almost without doubt, when you have fallen into sleep, you will rise into a dream. You may find that a dream seems unusually clear, or something about it catches your attention, and this stimulates the lucid awareness. You will find that you can control the images, if not directly, then with a slight delay.

For instance, if you dream of standing in the city and want to be on a beach, you m !ay have to walk around a corner to find the ocean. To change the images rapidly, try spinning around, thinking of a new image. You can bring people into your dreams this way and ask them questions about yourself or the future.

At first though, your control may be more limited than this and too brief to experiment fully. Try not to do too much at once; let yourself become aware of the dream scenario. You will probably be surprised at how easy it is to live within a dream, once you know how. It feels extremely natural and surprisingly pleasant. The emotions experienced here are clear, unfettered by the psychological confusions of waking life.

Practice will enable you to hold onto the lucid state for longer periods of time - up to 20 minutes perhaps. After a while you may drift back into sleep or wake from the dream. When you wake up, review the dream and feel confident that it will happen again. At the time you would normally get up, think about the dream once more, then go about your day as normal.

You can safely practice the technique every night for a few weeks. Before long you may not need to wake up with the aid of the alarm. Try a few odd nights without, you should reach a lucid dream stare easily. When you are able to do so this, abandon the technique unless your dream control falters; it should then be used again to reassert your pathway into dreams and stimulate the dream key once more.

Your control of dreams can lead to many exciting discoveries about yourself, the future, the nature of life and reality, your place in the world, friends and lovers. If you ask them your dreams will guide you to love and happiness, showing the way that is best for you.

Dreams will feed you with ideas and give you the confidence to fulfil your inner wishes. You can even attempt to explore the concept of Out-of-Body-Experiences from the highly adaptable dream state. Let intuition be your guide.

I believe than dreams are the strongest magic potential of the human brain and, with the aid of this technique, they are one of the most accessible. Starting tonight, you can unlock the deepest resources of your inner power and let your soul become free in the world.

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love dreams

Dream Power Love Spell

To dream of the one you love write their name on a piece of paper, place it under your pillow, and fall asleep thinking about them.

This method can work with any topic, not just for love spells.

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