Love Spells & Free Will
All spells are controlling whether they are love spells, healing spells or any other kind, human actions are too, but none of us are truly free to do as we really wish.
I do not understand why witch X says love spells are wrong, but a money spell isn’t, or a driving test spell isn’t. A bad driver might past their driving test by a ‘fluke’, this has definitely happened, I have seen these people driving through my town. Why does fate let these terrible drivers past their test?
Do you have free will? If you are heartbroken you cannot control you feelings, you feel controlled by another - your lost love: you are in fact controlled by your own feelings - yet you cannot control them? You do not have the free will to forget your lost love and remove your pain.
Free will? One lady client used a reuniting love spell last year, her case was quite complex, her guy was Mr Stubborn and he was sending texts saying “Move on, leave me alone” etc (worst actually). Well they were reunited, now my client is pregnant and the man concerned is delighted. The pregnancy was planned, they sat down and discussed it and fortunately she got pregnant swiftly. Her pregnancy is going well, there are no problems. Her man was very anti a reuniting once, and yet now he says he’s the happiest he’s ever been. Had a love spell not be cast, they wouldn’t have been reunited, there would be no baby, they are both very happy, what is wrong with that?
As I say elsewhere on my website, maybe we do not have free will maybe you are destined to use a spell, and it will work and that’s how your broken heart will be repaired, this is the way things will be for you, others might get their ex back a different way.
Maybe those witches who say "don’t use a love spell it will interfere with another persons free will" really mean, they can only subtly change the odd situation because they haven’t yet mastered the art of casting a powerful love spell to grant the results the love spell seeker wants.
And those who say “I cannot use a love spell, because I don’t want to interfere with X’s free will” simply don’t want a love spell, they are looking for excuses not to use one, and reading this or my various other comments won’t change their mind because deep down they don’t want a love spell.
If it’s wrong to cast a love spell because it goes against someone’s free will that like saying I shouldn’t ask anyone a question, that causes them to talk to me when they didn’t plan to do so, I’ve interfered with their free will, they weren’t going to talk to me and I’ve manipulated them into it.
Free will, why worry about it? Our so called free will is manipulated constantly by others, it’s what human beings do! I believe if others didn’t manipulate and influence us and we were left alone with our free will we’d do nothing, feel nothing, know nothing - we’d be empty. We interact, we learn. I personally hated school, I was sent to school against my own free will, but ... I was born without being consulted too ...