Things To Keep In Mind Whilst Waiting for Your Love Spell Results
Many people expect instant results from their love spells, but love spells are not instant mashed potato, you can't just add hot water and expect perfection, well you can't with potatoes either! So the first thing to keep in mind is that you have to be realistic. If you've had a minor row with a lover and they high tail it from your life, a love spell may retrieve them in days or even hours, but most love problems have taken time to build up to the point that they need magical help and by the same token may take an equal amount of time to heal through a love spell. So don't watch your love spell and become fixated with it, instead plan ahead for the time when your results will appear. Get your life in order as much as possible, sorting out anything that caused niggles in the past, so that things are easier between you two, once the happy day arrives and your Mr or Miss Perfect sees sense. Everyone is more attracted to those who are fully involved with their own lives, who have interests and goals outside the Relationship, so now use this time to develop those things that perhaps you've never had time for before. Think of yourself as on holiday from your relationship if you're (temporarily) separated and enjoy indulging yourself in ways that will add to your attractions, which being passionate about your life and your interests will do. Your interests don't have to be conventionally exciting pastimes to make you seem more attractive, if ferret racing, toad taming or the anatomy of the dust mite gives you cerebral goose bumps, the energy and excitement you feel about them will add to your allure because it shows you are a person who is excited by your life and therefore interesting.
Don't give up hope if your love spell doesn't instantly give you your results, they will take the shortest route to bring you your desired outcome, but how long is anyone's guess. So if you really want your results, they will come to you, that is without doubt, but carry on living your life in the meantime, instead of getting despondent. Concentrate on each day as it comes, don't think of the next week or month, just deal with getting the most out of each day and on one of those days you'll get a wonderful surprise. It's easy to get gloomy or negative when wishes aren't realised as quickly as we'd hoped, but love spells work, so don't give in, give up or let worries stop you enjoying your day. Because one day, you'll see that there was no need...
You may well be depressed and heartbroken if you have broken up with a lover, so rely on all the old conventional wisdom, lick your wound with your friends, do things that you know will make you feel a little better, don't talk about your ex too much, the more you talk of them and 'how they done you wrong' the more you think about them negatively and refresh the pain of your wounds. So try to put barriers in between the thought of them and your mind, any distraction that works for you. But do get out and socialise as much as possible. It will be hard at first but it will help your spirits, which in turn will help your love spell and the result you want. But you can indulge thoughts of your lover in positive ways, day dreaming of the happy results to come can boost your love spell.
If your lover and you have parted ways and your love spell is tasked with healing your rift, there will come a day when they contact you. Sometimes this is because they've realised that they love you and want to be with you again. On other occasions they aren't sure what they want, they are confused, the love spell has reminded them of how much they feel for you, that they miss you, but they aren't sure if you are right for them yet. So try to keep a cool head when you hear from them. Think carefully about your reaction to them, don't fawn, gush or bellow 'I love you, your mine all mine,' with the excitement of a poodle on drugs. Listen to what they say and answer like the reasonable, intelligent person you are. Make no demands, or accusations, no matter what they might have done, do not ever make them feel guilty or you're making your task of reuniting with them that much harder. Try not to be jealous or too anxious if you suspect they may be seeing other people, before they commit themselves to you again, whatever you do never make jealous accusations to them at this stage or you'll drive them away! Be sweet, be kind, be warm, be humorous if you can, let them take things at their pace. Its like horse whispering, try not to spook them by rushing at them with a lasso! When they are ready and see you are not a bunny boiler, are not about to strangle them in vengeance for past hurts, are not about to throw the past in their face, nor yet cling to them like an octopus in hormonal overdrive, all of which they will fear, then they will step closer to you and you will be closer to your goal. Nor should you ask them where you stand, because that makes them think they have all the power — to use over you, however nice they are, no-one should have all the power.
If your lover should ask you out, dress appropriately of course but don't look like you've spent a week fussing over what to wear or spent hours in hair or make-up. It is best to appear like what they would least expect, relaxed, laid back, happy and confident. This gives them something to think about, why are you so relaxed and confident, so sunny, you should be tearing your hair out over them, this makes them curious and think about you more, which is another step in the right direction.
When the second date turns into the third, don't act like an overzealous cockerel and sing it from the rooftops, don't tell all your friends and any mutual friends, don't push yourself forward like an actress at an audition trying to claim a role. Act as though you're just seeing them because it's pleasant, fun, let them lead the tone of things. If they get romantic respond of course but otherwise just enjoy the time spent together and don't let your mind stray any further. That way they wont get scared into being trapped back into a relationship they left of their own accord. They don't want that past relationship, they want something new, and if you don't act like you're claiming them like lost luggage, they'll soon want to claim you. Don't be confused by their not wanting the past relationship and wanting you, these are two different things. They will want you again and a new start with you, not the old relationship warmed up. And again it will get them thinking, why isn't he or she asking for more, I'm great, I'm wonderful, I left them they should be pleading. Once again you're another step closer to your goal.
If they should test the boundaries to see if you are so desperate for them that you will put up with bad behaviour, you have to show them that you are worthy of them by not indulging childish rudeness or bad manners. And this will get you a step closer too, it shows that you think you are worthy of respect and believe that and you'll turn them into a believer too. How? Simply by responding in the same way you would if anyone is rude or ill mannered. But you can do it playfully, "don't let your mother hear you saying that," with a disapproving smile. Try to keep things light, your conversation and your reactions, like you were when you first met them, you didn't get wound up over their every reaction, you were relaxed they were not the 'be all and end all.'
Sometimes a lost love will make advances and then, in their emotional confusion, step back again. You may not hear from them for a little while, a week or two or even longer. But don't get concerned, you will hear from them again, they will want to see you again, your love spell will ensure that. In fact you may find that when they do pause the contact between you, it is only to sort their thoughts and feelings out and so when they do get back to you, it is very likely that they will step even closer to you. But whilst they stay away, let them have that space, don't hassle them like a tax man with an overdue tax return. Leave them be and that will draw them closer to you too, knowing that if they want you, they have to make the effort, this makes you seem elusive and that elusive quality is a big part of seduction. By doing nothing you're winning again.
When your lover starts to make overtures about seeing you on a regular basis, don't try to negotiate or manoeuvre them into giving more, you'll instantly scare them off quicker than if you'd tried to weld a manacle to their left foot. You wont see them for an Olympian speed that would win them the gold sprinting medal. Instead, let them talk themselves into a new relationship. All you have to do is ask for nothing, seem to be going along for the fun of it. Until they get hot and heavy, stay relaxed, stay seemingly laid back, but sweet and nice and considerate, all the things they first saw and loved in you, and they will very soon want far more then they, or even you imagined. Always remember that what is pursued runs and your aim isn't to scare them into suddenly achieving Olympic gold. By not seeming to chase them or claim a relationship from them, you're winning again.
Never, ever make them feel guilty, this cannot be over emphasised. If they were horrifically cold, and unkind, unfeeling and seemingly heartless, or even said very painful and cruel things, remember that was in the heat of the moment and never remind them, that was then, this is now. Guilt is a surer way than a restraining order at keeping someone away from you, permanently. So if you want to get rid of someone in minus zero-seconds, remind them of all the nastiest things they ever said or did to you, but never to someone you love and importantly never to someone who loves you. So if you ever harbour vengeful thoughts, ditch them faster than a hot cup of poison, because that attitude will not only poison your love spell, it will destroy all hopes of any happiness with the one you think you love. Vengeance doesn't share a home with love but enjoys very cosy flat sharing with hate. So if you feel vengeful, forget that lost lover, you don't really care for them and your love spell cannot work if you don't love and want them with all your heart. Love spells are fuelled by your love and like sunshine will spread that feeling and warm your lover's heart once more. It is reasonable that you may sometimes feel angry at any bad or unjust treatment and emotional battering you received in the turmoil and emotional storm of break up, but however reasonable and normal it works against your love spell. So check any negative feelings in your heart and release any negative feelings you may have left in harmless ways. All in wrestling anyone?
The most important thing to remember is that with love spells, you are starting afresh with your romance, they will bring you new love with the one you already love. Second chances can happen and you can get just what you wish for, and happy endings do happen too, relax and enjoy watching your very own miracle thanks to your love spell.