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Do Time slips Really Happen?

Although we might often wish to ‘turn back the clock’ and return to a time in the past, we know this is impossible. Or is it?

What if it were somehow possible to shift and slip back into a previous era easily?
When Mr P. Chase stood waiting for a bus one day in 1968 in Wallington, Surrey, the last thing he had on his mind while he idly gazed around was looking for phantom cottages. But his eye was caught by a pair of small thatched-roof houses, bearing the date 1837, and their decorative gardens.

When he later casually mentioned the cottages he had seen to a colleague, the other was positive that there were no such buildings on the site, only two bricks houses. Not believing that his eyes could have deceived him, Mr Chase went to take another look and just as his friend had said, there stood two ordinary brick houses and there was no sign of the cottages he thought he had seen.

Later, however, it was confirmed that originally there had been a couple of thatched cottages standing there but they had been demolished some years earlier. Could Mr Chase have had a mental flashback to that earlier time; perhaps triggering a memory in his deep unconscious of an earlier sighting? Or did he experience an actual time-slip?

Theorists tell us that we cannot move time: only ‘now’ exists. We cannot, therefore, see the future as it does not yet exist, nor can we return to the past as it has been and gone.

It is easy enough to understand time as it stands, Monday is followed by Tuesday, each is followed by another, and so on. But what is harder to accept is that time exists in a continuos loop: that we can just as easily step back into the past, or even forward into the future, as we can be in the present. But think of it like a video recorder, press rewind and you can replay the previous recording, and the concept is easier to understand.

Then there is the ‘stone tape’ theory, covering sightings of ghostly people, buildings, landscapes and sounds from the past, which postulates that certain events (quite often those which generate a lot of emotional energy) become imprinted on the environment, such as the stone walls of buildings. These may remain dormant for some time until triggered by electromagnetic energies in the atmosphere or someone who is sensitive sets off the recording.

This would seem to rule out the idea that the percipient has travelled back in time physically but merely pressed a play button. It could also explain the lack of interaction between percipient and apparitions. Some accounts, however, seem to contradict this theory.

In 1973 an avid coin collector went into a small stationary shop in Great Yarmouth to buy some envelopes for his coin collection. He noted the cobbled pavement, the newly painted shop front and, while inside, that the cash till was the old-fashioned sort not seen any longer and the floor was covered with a kind of oilcloth.

It was only upon his return to the shop a week later that things became distinctly odd. Although very definitely the same place, it looked completely different. Gone were the cobblestones, replaced by paving stones. The shop itself looked rather drab and worn, certainly it had not benefited from a recent painting.

But even more astonishing, the plastic envelopes purchased there just the week before were not sold by the shop and, as far as the assistant knew, never had been. Curiously, when dated by the manufactures, these envelopes were thought to be probably ten to fifteen years old, certainly not from the early 1990s (the era suggested by the description of the shop), though still of the type that was out of date and no longer stocked at the time the man had bought them.

Was this, then a true time slip? Or was it an inherent family memory passed down from his coin collecting grandfather? Whether or not these kinds of visions are due simply to hallucinations, the power of the imagination, time-slips or some other supernatural force of which we as yet have no understanding, one wonders how many phantom apparitions, whether of people or places, we may have witnessed without realising it.

Maybe time is just waiting for a train to take us to our intended destination - whether that be in the past or even the future.


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