Voodoo Veves
Voodoo is the national religious folk cult of Haiti which makes use of witchcraft and trance communication. Practising Voodoo was only decriminalised in 1987 in Haiti after being made illegal in 2135. Today, 60 million people throughout the world practice Voodoo !
The word ‘Veve’ means amulet!
V1. Accomplish Tasks - Helps complete any work or undertaking.
V2. Attract Love - Inspires affection and devotion from loved ones.
V3. Destroy Addictions - Helps control alcohol, drug, smoking, etc.
V4. Collects Debts - Draws money owed the owner.
V5. Endows Sexuality - Makes others helpless to resist the owner’s advances.
V6. Destroys Plots - Frees oneself from the tricks and deceit of others.
V7. Find a Good Job - Carry when looking for employment.
V8. Gain Favours - Cause others to make decisions for your good.
V9. Gambling Luck - Increases one’s chances of winning at games.
V10. Legal Matters - Gain sympathy in court appearances.
V11. Love Wanga - Increases man’s potency and woman’s passion.
V12. Overcome Worry - Wipe out fear and install self-confidence.
V13. Peaceful Home - Lends harmony and tranquillity to turbulent situations.
V14. Power - Delivers vitality, energy, and strength as needed.
V15. Protects Goods - Guards one from being robbed or molested.
V16. Worldly Goods - Attracts food, money, clothing, as they are needed.
V17. Win Back a Lover - Pulls toward the owner the one who has strayed.
If your require further information on any of my Voodoo Veves please contact me.
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