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The Norse Year - Yule

Yule starts at the time of the Winter Solstice around 21st December, on the Mother Night of Yule. It lasts for approximately 12 days and is the most important day of the Norse year. Yuletide is primarily a fire festival with the Yule log being the focus of sympathetic magic. The Yule log of the Norsemen was Ash, said to be the world tree or Norse Yggdsrasil. It was considered unlucky not to save a piece of the wood to light the fire at the next Yuletide and the wood ash was kept to be sprinkled on the land to ensure fertility the following year.

Many who follow the Norse tradition celebrate some of the Celtic festivals in slightly different ways.

Summer Finding

Winter Finding


The Charming of the Plough


Harvest (Freyfaxi)



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